Utah Leads Together: Utah’s plan for a health and economic recovery

(March 24, 2020) This economic response is a dynamic plan for a dynamic situation. The phases, measures, recommendations, and other details will be monitored daily and updated as required to protect lives and livelihoods.

My fellow Utahns,

Times like these bring out the best in Utahns. We work together. We look out for each other. Combine that foundation with strong long-term fundamentals in Utah’s economy, and I am optimistic about Utah’s future. This is a time for Utah to shine.

“Utah Leads Together” is our plan for Utah’s economy. This dynamic plan provides a vision for Utah’s economic rebound as we carefully address the public health emergency before us.

We have entered a critical and urgent phase. If we follow public health guidelines we have a chance to get on the path to recovery more quickly. If we don’t, we face a longer and more painful recovery.

I encourage Utahns to rigorously follow public health measures, while staying as economically engaged as possible. By doing so, we will save jobs and alleviate suffering.

Utah leads when we reach out and look out for the most vulnerable among us. Utah leads when we focus on a future with stronger social bonds and restored economic strength. While we now face unprecedented challenges, Utah will adapt. Utah will innovate. And, together, Utah will lead and Utah will overcome.

– Governor Gary R. Herbert

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