ALBUQUERQUE – Representatives from Larry H. Miller Dealerships will present donations totaling $24,000 to four local charities including Camp Invention, Locker #505, Albuquerque Rescue Mission and Haven House on Wednesday, June 22 at 9 a.m. The donations will provide funding for the following programs:
• A $3,000 donation to Invent Now’s Camp Invention will provide full and partial scholarships to 13 or more underserved children to attend this summer’s camp program. Camp Invention offers a hands-on summer program that provides students with critical thinking and communication skills to help them think like scientists through interactive science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) content.
• A donation in the amount of $6,000 will allow 1,000 students participating with Locker #505 to receive essential clothing items for school. Locker #505 provides school clothing to kindergarten through 12th grade students in need in Bernalillo County. Students are referred to the program by a teacher, nurse, counselor, principal or social worker.
• The Albuquerque Rescue Mission will receive $10,000 towards the expansion of their learning center for homeless women. The program is expanding to 26 residents who are in need of a larger classroom with furnishings, additional workstations, software and classroom materials.
• Haven House, the only domestic services provider and emergency shelter serving Sandoval County, will receive a $5,000 grant allowing them to provide shelter and services to clients fleeing domestic violence.